Monday, September 29, 2008

Labor walks with Foley

I was there I wish I had brought my camera.

This Saturday, September 27th, over 50 members from four unions amassed in Brookhaven to walk door to door with Brian X. Foley, talking to voters about Foley's record of changing government and fighting for the working families of Suffolk County. Members of CWA Locals 1104 and 1108, SEIU Local 32BJ, and RWDSU volunteered their Saturday afternoon to join together and walk in the Shirley and Mastic Beach neighborhoods.
"We're proud to walk with Brian X. Foley today, because working people in Brookhaven and Islip deserve more than they're getting thanks to Caesar Trunzo's 36 years of failed economic policies," said Anthony Eramo, CWA Local 1104 Shop Steward. "Trunzo has been in the pocket of special interests for far too long. He's in Albany working for the HMOs and lobbyists; not for the people of this District. We're dedicated to a strong future for middle-class families on Long Island - that's why we're for Brian."

The first labor walk follows on the heels of an exciting week for the Foley campaign. Foley was endorsed this week by seven labor unions. CWA District 1, CWA Local 1108, UFCW Local 1500, RWDSU, UAW Region 9A, SEIU 32BJ, and New York Hotel and Motel Trades Council all threw their support behind Brian X. Foley's campaign. This powerful show of support from labor unions illustrates the strength of Foley's appeal to working families and the momentum of his campaign in Islip and Brookhaven.

In addition a recent public poll by the Siena Research Institute showed that Foley and 36 year incumbent Caesar Trunzo are in a statistical dead heat going into the final 5 weeks of the campaign. This was just the first of three labor walks for Foley. Members will also join Foley to walk the District in October and on Election Day weekend.

"I am honored to be joined by our friends from labor as we go door to door talking to voters about the change we'll bring to Albany," said Foley. Our Coalition for Change is passionate about ending Senator Trunzo's failed policies as part of the Albany status quo. Together, we will win this election and bring the same integrity and common sense approach to government that we used to turn Brookhaven around."

I haven't had such a good time in ages. It felt great!

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