Monday, August 4, 2008

Where does Caesar Trunzo actually live?

It's been common knowledge for years around here that Caesar Trunzo doesn't actually live here on LI. He lives in Florida. They just ship him up here when they need him to vote on stuff. The Daily Gotham Blog does some digging:

Caesar Trunzo (R-FL)

The Google, it is a miraculous thing, letting you find many things you night otherwise have not found.

For example, if you Google Caesar Trunzo, New York, you get this result:

That's his campaign headquarters or district office, if I'm not mistaken. The presence of the web link next to the address bar indicates the latter.

But if you Google Caesar Trunzo, Florida, you get something else entirely.

So apparently, there are two Caesar Trunzos who maintain residences in Florida, or one Caesar Trunzo who maintains two, while the New York Caesar Trunzo only has a campaign or government office.

That's rather odd, considering that the New York Caesar Trunzo represents a Senate district here.

Caesar doesn't live here. he lives in Florida. (which to be honest is probably nice for a guy his age.) It would be great if some of our real reporters would figure out exactly where Trunzo actually lives.

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